如何使用 SSIS 从平面文件中删除重复的行?

首先让我说,能够从一个平面文件中获取 1700 万条记录,推送到远程机器上的数据库并且需要 7 分钟,这真是太棒了.SSIS 真的很棒.但是现在我已经有了这些数据,我该如何删除重复项?

Let me first say that being able to take 17 million records from a flat file, pushing to a DB on a remote box and having it take 7 minutes is amazing. SSIS truly is fantastic. But now that I have that data up there, how do I remove duplicates?


Better yet, I want to take the flat file, remove the duplicates from the flat file and put them back into another flat file.



  • 文件源(带有关联的文件连接)
  • for 循环容器
  • 一个脚本容器,包含一些判断另一行是否存在的逻辑


Thak you, and everyone on this site is incredibly knowledgeable.

更新: 我找到了这个链接,可能有助于回答这个问题




Simply choose which fields you wish to sort your loaded rows by and in the bottom left corner you'll see a check box to remove duplicates. This box removes any rows which are duplicates based on the sort criteria only so in the example below the rows would be considered duplicate if we only sorted on the first field:

1 | sample A |
1 | sample B |
