SSIS 在设置为 CRLF 时将 LF 读取为终止符

2021-12-30 00:00:00 etl sql-server ssis ssis-2012 flat-file

使用 SSIS 2012.我的平面文件连接管理器我有一个分隔文件,其中行分隔符设置为 CRLF,但是当它处理文件时,我有一个带有 LF 在里面.这导致它将其读取为导致它失败的行终止符.有什么想法吗?

using SSIS 2012. My flat file connection manager I have a delimited file where the row delimiter is set to CRLF, but when it processes the file, I have a text column that has an LF in it. This is causing it to read that as a row terminator causing it fail. Any ideas?


感谢您的所有建议.原来供应商已将文件的编码从 Ascii 更改为 unicode.更改包以读取正确的编码就行了.

thank u for all the suggestions. turned out that the vendor had changed the encoding of the file from Ascii to unicode. changing the the package to read the correct encoding did the trick.
