sql group by 与不同

当查询中没有进行聚合时,为什么有人会使用 group by 和 distinct ?

Why would someone use a group by versus distinct when there are no aggregations done in the query?

此外,是否有人了解 MySQL 和 SQL Server 中的分组依据与不同的性能考虑因素.我猜 SQL Server 有一个更好的优化器,它们可能接近于等效的优化器,但在 MySQL 中,我预计会有显着的性能优势.

Also, does someone know the group by versus distinct performance considerations in MySQL and SQL Server. I'm guessing that SQL Server has a better optimizer and they might be close to equivalent there, but in MySQL, I expect a significant performance advantage to distinct.

我对 dba 的回答很感兴趣.

I'm interested in dba answers.

Bill 的帖子很有趣,但并不适用.让我更具体...

Bill's post is interesting, but not applicable. Let me be more specific...

select a, b, c 
from table x
group by a, b,c


select distinct a,b,c
from table x


来自 MS SQL Server 的少量(非常少)经验数据,来自我们数据库的几个随机表.

A little (VERY little) empirical data from MS SQL Server, on a couple of random tables from our DB.


SELECT col1, col2 FROM table GROUP BY col1, col2

SELECT DISTINCT col1, col2 FROM table 


When there's no covering index for the query, both ways produced the following query plan:

|--Sort(DISTINCT ORDER BY:([table].[col1] ASC, [table].[col2] ASC))
   |--Clustered Index Scan(OBJECT:([db].[dbo].[table].[IX_some_index]))


and when there was a covering index, both produced:

|--Stream Aggregate(GROUP BY:([table].[col1], [table].[col2]))
   |--Index Scan(OBJECT:([db].[dbo].[table].[IX_some_index]), ORDERED FORWARD)

因此,从那个非常小的示例中,SQL Server 肯定会同等对待.

so from that very small sample SQL Server certainly treats both the same.
