如何更改 gdb 使用的 Python 解释器?

2022-01-20 00:00:00 python python-2.7 gdb


我使用的是 ubuntu 14.04,其中 python3 是默认系统包.

I'm using ubuntu 14.04, where python3 is a default system package.


I want to debug Python2.7 programs with gdb, but I seem to encounter this issue:

当我在 gdb 中时,使用 py 命令会将我置于解释器中,因此我在解释器中运行了这些命令:

When i'm in gdb, using the py command puts me in an interpreter, so i ran these commands in the interpreter:


First I check the interpreter version:

(gdb) py
>import sys
3.4.0 (default, Apr 11 2014, 13:08:40) 
[GCC 4.8.2]


Then I check what interpreter executable is being used

(gdb) py
>import sys

然后在 bash 中,我检查解释器:

Then in bash, I check the interpreter:

12:34]hostname ~ $ls -l /usr/bin/python 
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 9 Dec 21  2013 /usr/bin/python -> python2.7

虽然 gdb 说它使用的是我的 2.7 解释器,但实际上它使用的是另一个解释器.我需要一个 2.7 解释器才能将它与 ubuntu 包python2.7-dbg"提供的 python 特定扩展一起使用,因为据我所知,python 3.4 还没有这样的包,即使有,我要调试的程序运行 python 2.7

So although gdb says it's using my 2.7 interpreter, it's actually using another one. I need a 2.7 interpreter to be able to use it with the python specific extensions that the ubuntu package 'python2.7-dbg' provides, because as far as i know there's no such package for python 3.4 yet, and even if there was, the programs that i want to debug run python 2.7


My question is how do i make it use the interpreter I want?

不要卸载 python3 顺便说一句.我在 ubuntu 14.04 上完成了它,它破坏了我的系统.没能重新站起来.我目前正在使用它而没有窗口管理器(它很酷,1337),但你明白了.

Do not uninstall python3 btw. I did it on ubuntu 14.04 and it wrecked my system. Couldn't manage to get it up again. I'm currently using it with no window-manager (it's cool and 1337), but you get the idea.


虽然 gdb 说它使用的是我的 2.7 解释器

So although gdb says it's using my 2.7 interpreter

GDB 没有这么说.它说它使用的是 3.4.0,并且解释器以 libpython3.4.alibpython3.4.so.

GDB doesn't say that. It says it's using 3.4.0, and that interpreter is linked into GDB, in the form of libpython3.4.a or libpython3.4.so.

由于不涉及实际的 Python 二进制文件,这里的(小)错误是 sys.executable 返回 /usr/bin/python.返回 /usr/bin/gdb 可能会更好.

Since there is no actual Python binary involved, the (minor) bug here is that sys.executable returns /usr/bin/python. It would possibly be better for it to return /usr/bin/gdb instead.

我需要一个 2.7 的解释器

I need a 2.7 interpreter

在这种情况下,您必须在使用适当的 --with-python 值配置之后,从源代码重建 gdb.

In that case, you'll have to rebuild gdb from source, after configuring it with appropriate --with-python value.
