查询帮助 - where 子句中的字符串有 &特点

2021-12-24 00:00:00 sql oracle plsql toad

我正在运行这样的 SQL (Oracle) 语句

I am running an SQL (Oracle) statement like that

select * from table 
where table_id in ('265&310', '266&320')

在运行 TOAD 时,它会将 & 视为某个变量占位符并询问其值.如果是 1-2 个占位符,那么我可以在 TOAD 中设置它,但 in 子句有 200 个字符串.

While running through TOAD, it consider & as some variable placeholder and it asks for its value. If it was for 1-2 place holders then I could have set it in TOAD but the in clause has like 200 of strings.


我想将 DATASET 导出为 SQL INSERT 语句,所以我不能在 SQL-PLUS 中使用它.

I want to export the DATASET as SQL INSERT statement, so I can't use this in SQL-PLUS.


在 TOAD 中,您可以从选项对话框中禁用替换变量的提示:

In TOAD, you can disable the prompt for substitution variables from the options dialog:

您需要取消选中:查看 –> Toad 选项 –> 执行/编译 –> 提示替换变量.

You need to uncheck: View –> Toad Options –> Execute/Compile –> Prompt for Substitution variables.
