Visual Studio 2008 中内置的 Python IDE?

2022-01-20 00:00:00 python ide visual-studio-2008


您好,我在 Visual Studio 2008 中进行了很多开发,并希望找到一个像 vsphp 这样的插件,它可以在 Visual Studio 中启用智能感知和调试.IronStudio 是我要找的吗?据我了解 IronStudio 是一个 .NET 插件.

Hi I develop in Visual Studio 2008 a lot and would like to find an addin like vsphp which enables intellisense and debugging in Visual Studio. Is IronStudio what I am looking for? As far as I understand IronStudio is a Plugin for .NET.

如果没有适用于 Visual Studio 2008 的插件,那么对于喜欢 Visual Studio 的 python 新手来说,这是一个很棒的 IDE(讨厌 netbeans 和 eclipse,抱歉只是感觉不到爱)

If there is no Plugin for Visual Studio 2008 whats a great IDE for a python newbee who loves Visual Studio (hate netbeans and eclipse sorry just don't feel the love)

另外,如果 IronPython Studio 是一个 IDE,我需要独立版本还是集成版本?名字好像没看懂.

Also if IronPython Studio is an IDE do I want the Isolated or Integrated Version? I don't seem to understand the name.

我安装了集成并得到了这个: :(这里没有控制台:

I installed integrated and got this: :( no console like here:


看看 PyScripter,我没有广泛尝试过,但听说过它的好消息.

Have a look at PyScripter, I haven't tried it extensively but heard good things about it.

它不是 Visual Studio 的插件,它是一个独立的 IDE.

It's not an addon to Visual Studio, it's an independent IDE.
