是否有 IDE/实用程序来重构 Python * 导入以使用标准 module.member 语法?

2022-01-20 00:00:00 python ide syntax refactoring readability


我最近的任务是维护大量使用 from module import * 的代码.

I was recently tasked with maintaining a bunch of code that uses from module import * fairly heavily.


This codebase has gotten big enough that import conflicts/naming ambiguity/"where the heck did this function come from, there are like eight imported modules that have one with the same name?!"ism have become more and more common.

展望未来,我一直在使用显式成员(即 import module ... module.object.function() 以使我所做的维护工作更具可读性.

Moving forward, I've been using explicit members (i.e. import module ... module.object.function() to make the maintenance work I do more readable.

但我想知道:是否有一个 IDE 或实用程序可以稳健地解析 Python 代码并将 * import 语句重构为模块 import 语句,然后将完整的模块路径添加到对该模块成员的所有引用?

我们没有大量使用元编程/反射/inspect/monkeypatching,所以如果上述 IDE/util 在这些事情上表现不佳,那没关系.

We're not using metaprogramming/reflection/inspect/monkeypatching heavily, so if aforementened IDE/util behaves poorly with such things, that is OK.



Not a perfect solution, but what I usually do is this:

  1. 打开 Pydev
  2. 删除所有 * 导入
  3. 使用 optimize imports 命令 (ctrl+shift+o) 重新添加所有导入
  1. Open Pydev
  2. Remove all * imports
  3. Use the optimize imports command (ctrl+shift+o) to re-add all the imports


如果您想自己构建解决方案,请尝试 http://docs.python.org/库/modulefinder.html

If you want to build a solution yourself, try http://docs.python.org/library/modulefinder.html
