PyCharm - 社区版是否能够突出显示 css/javascript?

2022-01-20 00:00:00 python pycharm ide


我正在探索 PyCharm 的功能以决定是否应该使用它(现在是 PyDev).一切看起来都很棒,但我还没有找到让 PyC​​harm 突出显示 css 或 js 文件的方法:

I'm exploring the features of PyCharm to decide if I should use it(now PyDev). All looks great, but I haven't find a way to make PyCharm highlight css or js files:


Is this a functionality which only provided in the commercial edition?


使用 JavaScript、CoffeeScript、TypeScript、HTML/CSS 进行 Web 开发,仅专业版支持.它们在 Community Edition 中被编辑为没有标记的文本文件.

Web development with JavaScript, CoffeeScript, TypeScript, HTML/CSS supported by Professional Edition only. They are edited as text files with no mark-up in Community Edition.

PyCharm 版本比较
