什么是 Mac OS X 上 Python 的好 IDE?

2022-01-20 00:00:00 python macos ide


我即将开始一份新工作,其编码实践主要围绕 TDD 和重构,其主要开发语言是 Python.我来自 Java 世界,并且长期以来一直是 Eclipse 的自信用户.不使用 Java 时,我使用 emacs.

I'm about to start a new job where the coding practices are heavily centered around TDD and refactoring, and whose primary development language is Python. I come from the Java world, and have been a confident user of Eclipse for a good, long time. When not working in Java, I use emacs.

我正在寻找一个适用于 Python 的 IDE,它将为我提供很多我已经习惯使用 Eclipse 的功能,不仅可以用于重构,还可以用于代码完成、项目管理、SCM 集成(目前是 CVS、但可能会在这些日子里切换到 git)等.

I'm looking for an IDE for Python that will give me a lot of the capabilities I've grown used to with Eclipse, not only for refactoring but in terms of code completion, project management, SCM integration (currently CVS, but likely to switch to git one of these days) et al.

我应该使用什么 IDE?

What IDE should I use?


尝试了许多不同的(Kate、Eclipse、Scite、Vim、Komodo):每个都有一些小故障,要么功能有限,要么速度慢且无响应.多年后的最终选择:Emacs +ropemacs + flymake.绳索项目文件打开对话框非常快.绳索重构和代码辅助功能非常有用.Flymake 显示语法错误.Emacs 是最可配置的编辑器.我对这个配置非常满意.配置的 Python 相关部分在这里:public.halogen-dg.com browser/alex-emacs-settings/configs/cfg_python.el

Have tried many different (Kate, Eclipse, Scite, Vim, Komodo): each one have some glitches, either limited functions, or slow and unresponsive. Final choice after many years: Emacs + ropemacs + flymake. Rope project file open dialog is extremely quick. Rope refactoring and code assist functions are super helpful. Flymake shows syntax mistakes. Emacs is the most configurable editor. I am very happy with this config. Python related part of config is here: public.halogen-dg.com browser/alex-emacs-settings/configs/cfg_python.el
