如何为 mysql 设置 ActiveRecord 查询超时?

2021-12-23 00:00:00 timeout mysql activerecord

如何在 ActiveRecord 中设置 mysql 查询超时?我希望将其设置为非常短的时间,例如 10-15 毫秒.这是一个 Sinatra ruby​​ 网络应用程序.

How can I set the mysql query timeout in ActiveRecord? I wish to set it to something very short, like 10-15ms. This is for a Sinatra ruby web app.



好吧,看来 mysql_adapter.rb 中的第 29 和 30 行,

Well, it would appear that per these lines 29 and 30 in mysql_adapter.rb,

  @connection.options(Mysql::OPT_READ_TIMEOUT, @config[:read_timeout]) if @config[:read_timeout]
  @connection.options(Mysql::OPT_WRITE_TIMEOUT, @config[:write_timeout]) if @config[:write_timeout]

只需要在 .yaml 数据库配置文件中添加一个 read_timeout 和 write_timeout 值.

One need simply only add a read_timeout and write_timeout value to the .yaml database config file.


  adapter: mysql
  encoding: utf8
  database: app_development
  pool: 5
  username: root
  write_timeout: 1
  read_timeout: 1

应该可以将读取和写入超时设置为每次 1 秒.不幸的是,这不允许您设置亚秒级超时.

Should do the trick to set read and write timeouts of 1 sec apiece. Unfortunately this does not allow you to set sub-second timeouts.
