如何在 MySQL 中为多对多连接正确索引链接表?

2021-12-21 00:00:00 indexing many-to-many mysql

假设我在表table1"和table2"之间有一个简单的多对多表,它由两个 int 字段组成:table1-id"和table2-id".我应该如何索引这个链接表?

我曾经只创建一个复合主索引 (table1-id,table2-id),但我读到如果您更改查询中字段的顺序,该索引可能不起作用.那么最佳的解决方案是什么——在没有主索引的情况下为每个字段创建独立的索引?





/* 给定 table1 中的值,从 table2 中查找所有相关值 */选择 *从表 1 t1JOIN table_table tt ON (tt.table_1 = t1.id)JOIN table2 t2 ON (t2.id = tt.table_2)哪里 t1.id = @id


ALTER TABLE table_table ADD CONSTRAINT pk_table1_table2 (table_1, table_2)

在这种情况下,table1 将在 NESTED LOOPS 中领先,并且您的索引仅在 table1 首先被编入索引时才可用.>


/* 给定 table2 中的一个值,从 table1 中查找所有相关值 */选择 *从表 2 t2JOIN table_table tt ON (tt.table_2 = t2.id)JOIN table1 t1 ON (t1.id = tt.table_1)哪里 t2.id = @id


ALTER TABLE table_table ADD CONSTRAINT pk_table1_table2 (table_2, table_1)



/* 检查两个给定值之间是否存在关系 */选择 1FROM table_tableWHERE table_1 = @id1AND table_2 = @id2



ALTER TABLE table_table ADD CONSTRAINT pk_table1_table2 PRIMARY KEY (table_1, table_2)在 table_table (table_2) 上创建索引 ix_table2


Lets say I have a simple many-to-many table between tables "table1" and "table2" that consists from two int fields: "table1-id" and "table2-id". How should I index this linking table?

I used to just make a composite primary index (table1-id,table2-id), but I read that this index might not work if you change order of the fields in the query. So what's the optimal solution then - make independent indexes for each field without a primary index?



It depends on how you search.

If you search like this:

/* Given a value from table1, find all related values from table2 */
FROM table1 t1
JOIN table_table tt ON (tt.table_1 = t1.id)
JOIN table2 t2 ON (t2.id = tt.table_2)
WHERE t1.id = @id

then you need:

ALTER TABLE table_table ADD CONSTRAINT pk_table1_table2 (table_1, table_2)

In this case, table1 will be leading in NESTED LOOPS and your index will be usable only when table1 is indexed first.

If you search like this:

/* Given a value from table2, find all related values from table1 */
FROM table2 t2
JOIN table_table tt ON (tt.table_2 = t2.id)
JOIN table1 t1 ON (t1.id = tt.table_1)
WHERE t2.id = @id

then you need:

ALTER TABLE table_table ADD CONSTRAINT pk_table1_table2 (table_2, table_1)

for the reasons above.

You don't need independent indices here. A composite index can be used everywhere where a plain index on the first column can be used. If you use independent indices, you won't be able to search efficiently for both values:

/* Check if relationship exists between two given values */
FROM table_table
WHERE table_1 = @id1
  AND table_2 = @id2

For a query like this, you'll need at least one index on both columns.

It's never bad to have an additional index for the second field:

ALTER TABLE table_table ADD CONSTRAINT pk_table1_table2 PRIMARY KEY (table_1, table_2)
CREATE INDEX ix_table2 ON table_table (table_2)

Primary key will be used for searches on both values and for searches based on value of table_1, additional index will be used for searches based on value of table_2.
