克服 Python 关于实例方法的限制

2022-01-20 00:00:00 python 复制 oop instance-method


似乎 Python 在实例方法方面有一些限制.

It seems that Python has some limitations regarding instance methods.

  1. 无法复制实例方法.
  2. 实例方法不能被pickle.


This is problematic for me, because I work on a very object-oriented project in which I reference instance methods, and there's use of both deepcopying and pickling. The pickling thing is done mostly by the multiprocessing mechanism.


What would be a good way to solve this? I did some ugly workaround to the copying issue, but I'm looking for a nicer solution to both problems.



我的用例:我有一个很小的事件系统.每个事件都有一个 .action 属性,该属性指向它应该触发的函数,有时该函数是某个对象的实例方法.

My use case: I have a tiny event system. Each event has an .action attribute that points to a function it's supposed to trigger, and sometimes that function is an instance method of some object.


您也许可以使用 copy_reg.pickle.在 Python 2.6 中:

You might be able to do this using copy_reg.pickle. In Python 2.6:

import copy_reg
import types

def reduce_method(m):
    return (getattr, (m.__self__, m.__func__.__name__))

copy_reg.pickle(types.MethodType, reduce_method)


This does not store the code of the method, just its name; but that will work correctly in the common case.


This makes both pickling and copying work!
