如何在 Rails 中关闭 MySQL 严格模式

升级到 Rails 4,现在似乎默认情况下为 Rails 连接启用了 MySQL 严格模式.我这样说是因为我的 Rails 应用程序在保存长度超过 255 个字符的字符串值时收到Mysql2::Error: Data too long for column".然而,我将相同的查询粘贴到 MySQL 控制台(据报告全局严格模式已关闭)并且它工作正常,只是有截断警告.作为进一步的证据,它在这里说 "Rails 4 默认都使用严格模式".

Upgrading to Rails 4, it seems MySQL strict mode is now on by default for Rails connections. I say this because my Rails app is getting "Mysql2::Error: Data too long for column" when saving a string value longer than 255 characters. Yet, I paste the same query into MySQL console (where global strict mode is reported to be off) and it works fine, just with truncation warnings. As further evidence, it says here "Rails 4 both use strict mode by default".

我的问题是如何从 Rails 应用程序中关闭严格模式?我宁愿避免立即升级所有内容以支持它.

My question is how can I turn strict mode off from the Rails app? I'd rather avoid upgrading everything to support it right now.


您可以在 database.yml 中使用 strict: false 设置严格模式,如下所示:

You can set strict mode in your database.yml using strict: false as follows:

  host: ...
  username: ...
  strict: false

