跨多个表的 MySQL 全文搜索

2021-12-20 00:00:00 search full-text-search mysql

我有一系列表格,其中包含我想要全文搜索的数据.我尝试将表格与 UNION 结合使用,但结果丢失了全文索引,因此无法进行全文搜索.我不认为将数据放入临时表是要走的路.有什么办法可以有效地全文搜索这些表吗?提前致谢!

I have a series of tables that contain data I want to full text search. I've tried combining the tables with UNION, but the result loses its fulltext index so can't be fulltext searched. I don't think that putting the data into a temp table is the way to go. Is there someway that I can fulltext search these tables efficiently? Thanks in advance!


UPDATE: my query for fulltext was

SELECT ID, Title, Description, Author, MATCH (Title,Tags,Body) AGAINST ("search terms") AS Relevance 
FROM [combination of tables goes here] 
WHERE MATCH (Title,Tags,Body) AGAINST ("search terms")


MySQL 无法在多个表中创建全文(或任何)索引.所以使用单一索引是不行的.

MySQL can't make a fulltext (or any) index accross multiple tables. So using a single index is out.


As an alternative, you could either:

  1. 在每个表上使用索引,并根据需要使用连接/联合来检索符合您要求的行.

  1. Use an index on each table, and a join/union as appropriate to retrieve the rows that match your requirements.


Create an aggregate table to apply the index to.

使用 lucene 或 solr 等工具提供搜索索引.(如果您要进行任何类型的扩展,这可能是最佳选择)

Use a tool such as lucene or solr to provide your search index. (If you are going for any sort of scale, this is likely the best option)
