MySQL 选择:WHERE(现在时间)= BETWEEN tablevalue AND tablevalue

2021-12-19 00:00:00 time where-clause select mysql

我正在寻找一种方法来选择当前时间在行中两个设定值之间的行.我已经建立了一个包含 3 列的表,其中 2 列包含时间戳 (HH:MM:SS),另一个是字符串.有没有办法获得与当前时间相对应的字符串?用更抽象的方式来说:

I'm looking for a way to select the row in which the current time is between two set values in the row. I've set up a table with 3 columns, 2 of them hold a timestamp (HH:MM:SS), the other one a string. Is there a way I can get the string corresponding to the current time? To put it in a more abstract way:

SELECT String FROM TableName WHERE (Current Time) BETWEEN (Lower Limit Time Value) AND (Upper Limit Time Value);

SELECT String FROM TableName WHERE (Current Time) BETWEEN (Lower Limit Time Value) AND (Upper Limit Time Value);


So basically, based on the current time, my script should output the correct string.



MySQL 中,timestamp 是一个很容易混淆的词.

In MySQL, timestamp is quite a confusing word.

如果它们是 lowerlimitupperlimitTIME 列,从 00:00:0023:59:59:

If they are lowerlimit and upperlimit are TIME columns from 00:00:00 to 23:59:59:

SELECT  String
FROM    TableName
WHERE   CURTIME() BETWEEN lowerlimit AND upperlimit
        OR CURTIME() BETWEEN SUBTIME(upperlimit, '24:00:00') AND lowerlimit
        OR SUBTIME(CURTIME(), '24:00:00') BETWEEN SUBTIME(upperlimit, '24:00:00') AND lowerlimit


This will handle midnight transitions correctly.
