列表中的 mysql 仅验证列表中的第一个 id.也许是斑点问题

2021-12-19 00:00:00 list select mysql

我使用的系统使用逗号分隔值作为一对二的关系.它以 blob 形式存储.

I work with a system that used comma separated values as a one-2-many relation. It is stored in as a blob.

我尝试使用 MySQL IN (LIST),但最终只得到 uid 在列表中第一个或只有一个在列表中的行.

I try to use the MySQL IN (LIST), but only ends up with the rows where the uid is first in the list or only one in the list.

uid categories
1   24,25,26
2   25
3   22,23,25
4   25,27

run sql:
SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE 25 IN (categories)

uid categories
2   25
4   25,27

Missing (should have been selected but are not)
uid categories
1   24,25,26
3   22,23,25

知道为什么字符串必须以 25 开头而不是只包含 25 吗?我想这是一个字符串问题而不是 IN (LIST) 问题

Any idea why a string has to start with 25 and not just contain 25? I guess it is a string issue rather than an IN (LIST) issue

更新 - 基于以下答案:

在 blob 上使用 th IN (LIST) 时,blob 将转换为 int 并且逗号和数字"丢失.

When using th IN (LIST) on a blob, the blob is converted to an int and commas and "digits" are lost.

改为使用 FIND_IN_SET(needle, haystack),它也适用于包含逗号分隔值的 blob.

In stead use FIND_IN_SET(needle, haystack) that will work also on a blob containing comma separated values.


我认为您正在寻找 FIND_IN_SET

 SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE FIND_IN_SET(25,category)
