如何使用 LXML 递归查找 XML 标记?

2022-01-20 00:00:00 python xml find lxml


<?xml version="1.0" ?>
    <test >
        <f1 />
    </test >
    <test2 >
         <f1 />
    <f1 />

使用 lxml 是否可以递归地找到标签"f1 "?我尝试了 findall 方法,但它只适用于直系子女.

Using lxml is it possible to find recursively for tag " f1 "? I tried findall method but it works only for immediate children.

我想我应该为此选择 BeautifulSoup !!!

I think I should go for BeautifulSoup for this !!!



You can use XPath to search recursively:

>>> from lxml import etree
>>> q = etree.fromstring('<xml><hello>a</hello><x><hello>b</hello></x></xml>')
>>> q.findall('hello')     # Tag name, first level only.
[<Element hello at 414a7c8>]
>>> q.findall('.//hello')  # XPath, recursive.
[<Element hello at 414a7c8>, <Element hello at 414a818>]
