如何在 Visual Studio 2010 中连接到 MySQL 5.1?

2021-12-14 00:00:00 mysql visual-studio-2010

有人知道如何使用 MySQL 5.1://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_Visual_Studio#Visual_Studio_2010" rel="noreferrer">Visual Studio 2010?

Does any one know how to connect to MySQL 5.1 with Visual Studio 2010?

我已经尝试过 MySQL 连接器/ODBC 路线,它给我带来了非常糟糕的结果.表行都在视图部分中作为视图列出,而表或过程文件夹中根本没有列出任何内容.

I have already tried the MySQL Connector/ODBC route and it got me really nasty results. The table rows were all listed as a view in the views section and nothing at all was listed in the tables or procedures folder.


为了让 Entity Frame 与 VS2010 一起工作,我必须执行以下操作:

To get the Entity Frame working with VS2010, I had to do the following:

  1. 这只适用于 Mysql .net Connector v6.3.1 (alpha).以前的版本忽略了 VS 2010(点击开发版本)
  2. 我不得不重命名我的 Frameworkv1.1.4322CONFIG 文件夹.否则安装将失败.完成后重新命名


(I've blogged about this here)

更新6.3.2 处于测试阶段,我可以确认这有效.(我不需要重命名框架文件夹)

Update 6.3.2 is in beta and I can confirm this works. (I didn't need to rename the framework folder)
