SQL Server:我应该在 sys 表上使用 information_schema 表吗?

在 SQL Server 中,元数据有两种模式:

In SQL Server there is two schemas for metadata:

  • 系统

我听说 INFORMATION_SCHEMA 表是基于 ANSI 标准的.在开发时,例如存储过程,使用 INFORMATION_SCHEMA 表而不是 sys 表是否明智?

I have heard that INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables are based on ANSI standard. When developing e.g. stored procedures, should it be wise to use INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables over sys tables?


我总是尝试使用 Information_schema 视图而不是直接查询 sys 模式.

I would always try to use the Information_schema views over querying the sys schema directly.

视图符合 ISO 标准,因此理论上您应该能够轻松地跨不同 RDBMS 迁移任何查询.

The Views are ISO compliant so in theory you should be able to easily migrate any queries across different RDBMS.


However, there have been some cases where the information that I need is just not available in a view.

我提供了一些链接,其中包含有关视图和查询 SQL Server 目录的更多信息.

I've provided some links with further information on the views and querying a SQL Server Catalog.


