如何在 MySQL 中创建表别名

2021-12-12 00:00:00 ms-access sql mysql sql-server

我正在将 MS Access 应用程序(已将表链接到 MSSQL 服务器)迁移到 MySQL.

I am migrating an MS Access application (which has linked tables to a MSSQL Server) to MySQL.

作为克服一些 MSAccess 表命名问题的一种方法,我正在寻找一种解决方案来添加一个 MySQL 表别名,该别名将指向 MySQL 数据库中的现有表.理想情况下,我想在 mysql 中创建别名dbo_customers",该别名也指向 mysql 中的客户表.

As a means to overcome some MSAccess table naming problems, I am seeking a solution to add a MySQL table alias that will point to an existing table in the MySQL database. Ideally I would like to create the alias 'dbo_customers' in mysql that would point to the customers table also in mysql.


To be clear I am not wanting to alias a table name inside a query like this:

SELECT * FROM customers AS dbo_customers


But rather I would like to be able issue the following query:

SELECT * FROM dbo_customers


and have it return data from the customers table.



CREATE VIEW dbo_customers AS
SELECT * FROM customers


Maybe not the best solution but should work as the view is updatable. Will definitely work for Read Only
