与 CreateTableDef 链接时如何设置主键

2021-12-12 00:00:00 vba ms-access sql-server ms-access-2010

在 MS Access 数据库中,我像这样连接到 SQL Server 数据库中的视图:

In a MS Access database, I'm connecting to views in a SQL Server database like this:

Dim s  As String
s = "ODBC;DSN=mydb;Trusted_Connection=Yes;DATABASE=mydb;"

Dim td As TableDef
Set td = CurrentDb.CreateTableDef("vwMyView", 0, "MySchema.vwMyView", s)

CurrentDb.TableDefs.Append td

这将创建一个链接表,该表链接到 SQL Server 中的视图.

This creates a linked table, which is linked to a view in SQL Server.

但是,我无法插入/更新/删除,因为 Access 不知道主键".VBA中如何添加主键信息?

However, I cannot insert/update/delete, because Access does not know the "primary key". How can the information about the primary key added in VBA ?

使用链接表向导时,总是会要求您从列表框中选择唯一键列.我想在 VBA 中重现这种行为.

When using the Linked Table Wizard, you are always asked to select the unique key columns from a listbox. I want to reproduce this behaviour in VBA.



You can always update the table you just attached to include an Index/Primary key. Something like,

Dim s  As String
s = "ODBC;DSN=mydb;Trusted_Connection=Yes;DATABASE=mydb;"

Dim td As TableDef
Set td = CurrentDb.CreateTableDef("vwMyView", 0, "MySchema.vwMyView", s)

CurrentDb.TableDefs.Append td

CurrentDb.Execute "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX SomeIndex ON vwMyView (PrimaryKeyColumn) WITH PRIMARY".


Set td = Nothing

不确定是否需要在创建 INDEX 之前刷新 CurrentDB.首先尝试刷新,如果它不起作用 - 刷新它然后执行 CREATE 语句.

Not sure if you need to refresh the CurrentDB before creating an INDEX. Try refreshing without first, if it does not work - refresh it then Execute the CREATE statement.
