SQL Server WHERE 子句中的与号 (&) 运算符

2021-12-10 00:00:00 bitwise-operators tsql sql-server

抱歉问了一个非常基本的问题.& 操作符在这个 SQL 中有什么作用

Sorry for the very basic question. What does the & operator do in this SQL

WHERE (sc.Attributes & 1) = 0 

sc 是包含 attributes 列的表的别名.

sc is an alias for a table which contains a column attributes.

我试图理解报告中的一些 SQL,该行使其返回 0 个条目.如果我将其注释掉,它会起作用.我的 SQL 知识有限,我不确定 &1 正在做.

I'm trying to understand some SQL in a report and that line is making it return 0 entries. If I comment it out it works. I have limited SQL knowledge and I'm not sure what the & 1 is doing.


&是按位逻辑和运算符 - 它对 2 个整数值执行运算.

& is the bitwise logical and operator - It performs the operation on 2 integer values.

WHERE (sc.Attributes & 1) = 0 

以上代码检查 sc.Attributes 是否为偶数.这与说第一位未设置相同.

The above code checks to see if sc.Attributes is an even number. Which is the same as saying that the first bit is not set.


Because of the name of the column though: "Attributes", then the "1" value is probably just some flag that has some external meaning.

对于存储在属性数字中的每个标志,通常使用 1 个二进制数字.因此,要测试第一位,您使用 sc.Attributes&1,测试第二位您使用 sc.Attributes&2,测试第三位您使用 sc.Attributes&4,测试第四位您使用 sc.Attributes&8, ...

It is common to use 1 binary digit for each flag stored in a number for attributes. So to test for the first bit you use sc.Attributes&1, to test for the second you use sc.Attributes&2, to test for the third you use sc.Attributes&4, to test for the fourth you use sc.Attributes&8, ...

= 0 部分正在测试以查看第一位是否未设置.

The = 0 part is testing to see if the first bit is NOT set.

一些二进制示例:(== 显示运算结果)

Some binary examples: (== to show the result of the operation)

//Check if the first bit is set, same as sc.Attributes&1
11111111 & 00000001 == 1
11111110 & 00000001 == 0
00000001 & 00000001 == 1

//Check if the third bit is set, same as sc.Attributes&4
11111111 & 00000100 == 1
11111011 & 00000100 == 0
00000100 & 00000100 == 1
