使用 Ignited-Datatables 进行搜索时,“like"操作的排序规则的非法混合

2021-12-10 00:00:00 mysql codeigniter activerecord datatable

我已经成功地实现了 Ignited-Datatables.但是,在输入非拉丁"字符(如İ,ş,ğ,..")时使用数据库进行搜索时

I have successfully implemented Ignited-Datatables. However, while searching with database when typing "non-latin" characters like "İ,ş,ğ,.."

POST http://vproject.dev/module/user/ign_listing 500(内部服务器错误)


Illegal mix of collations for operation 'like' while searching
... (u.id_user LIKE '%Ä°%' OR u.first_name LIKE '%Ä°%' OR u.last_name LIKE '%Ä°%' OR ue.email LIKE '%Ä°%' OR u.last_login LIKE '%Ä°%' ) ...

%Ä°% 部分根据您输入的非拉丁字符而变化.

%Ä°% part changes according to the non-latin character you typed.


Any idea for solving this?


我找到了问题所在.似乎是 DATETIME 字段导致了问题.

I figured out the problem. It seems it is DATETIME fields that causes the problem.

.. ue.last_login '%ayşenur%' 

操作'like'操作的排序规则的非法混合给出错误.当我删除 LIKE 部分 DATETIME 字段时,不再有错误.我希望这会有所帮助.

gives error for Illegal mix of collations for operation 'like'. When I remove LIKE partials DATETIME fields, there are no error any more. I hope this helps.
