在 Python 元组列表中查找重复项

2022-01-20 00:00:00 python list tuples duplicates match



I want to find the matching item from the below given list.My List may be super large.


The very first item in the tuple "N1_10" is duplicated and matched with another item in another array

ListA 中第一个数组中的元组('N1_10', 'N2_28')
ListA 中第二个数组中的元组 ('N1_10', 'N3_98')

tuple in 1st array in the ListA ('N1_10', 'N2_28')
tuple in 2nd array in the ListA ('N1_10', 'N3_98')

ListA  = [[('N1_10', 'N2_28'), ('N1_35', 'N2_44')],
          [('N1_22', 'N3_72'), ('N1_10', 'N3_98')],
          [('N2_33', 'N3_28'), ('N2_55', 'N3_62'), ('N2_61', 'N3_37')]]


output --> [('N1_10','N2_28','N3_98') , .... 和其他任何匹配的键将进入相同的元组]

output --> [('N1_10','N2_28','N3_98') , .... and the rest whatever match one of the key will get into same tuple]

如果你们认为,改变 ListA 的数据结构是更好的选择,请随时提出建议!感谢您的帮助!

If you guys think , changing the data structure of the ListA is better option , pls feel free to advise! Thanks for helping out!


列表 A = [[(a,x),(b,k),(c,l),(d,m)],[(e,d),(a,p),(g,s)],[...],[...]....]

List A = [[(a,x),(b,k),(c,l),(d,m)],[(e,d),(a,p),(g,s)],[...],[...]....]

wantedOutput --> [(a,x,p),(b,k),(c,l),(d,m,e),(g,s).....]

wantedOutput --> [(a,x,p),(b,k),(c,l),(d,m,e),(g,s).....]



Update: After rereading your question, it appears that you're trying to create equivalence classes, rather than collecting values for keys. If

[[(1, 2), (3, 4), (2, 3)]]


[(1, 2, 3, 4)]

,那么您将需要将输入解释为图形并应用连通分量算法.您可以将您的数据结构转换为 邻接列表 表示并以广度优先或深度遍历它-首先搜索或遍历您的列表并构建不相交集.无论哪种情况,您的代码都会突然涉及大量与图形相关的复杂性,并且很难根据输入的顺序提供任何输出顺序保证.这是一个基于广度优先搜索的算法:

, then you're going to need to interpret your input as a graph and apply a connected components algorithm. You could turn your data structure into an adjacency list representation and traverse it with a breadth-first or depth-first search, or iterate over your list and build disjoint sets. In either case, your code is going to suddenly involve a lot of graph-related complexity, and it'll be hard to provide any output ordering guarantees based on the order of the input. Here's an algorithm based on a breadth-first search:

import collections

# build an adjacency list representation of your input
graph = collections.defaultdict(set)
for l in ListA:
    for first, second in l:

# breadth-first search the graph to produce the output
output = []
marked = set() # a set of all nodes whose connected component is known
for node in graph:
    if node not in marked:
        # this node is not in any previously seen connected component
        # run a breadth-first search to determine its connected component
        frontier = set([node])
        connected_component = []
        while frontier:
            marked |= frontier

            # find all unmarked nodes directly connected to frontier nodes
            # they will form the new frontier
            new_frontier = set()
            for node in frontier:
                new_frontier |= graph[node] - marked
            frontier = new_frontier

但是,不要在不理解的情况下复制它;了解它在做什么,或者编写自己的实现.您可能需要能够维护这一点.(我会使用伪代码,但 Python 实际上已经和伪代码一样简单了.)

Don't just copy this without understanding it, though; understand what it's doing, or write your own implementation. You'll probably need to be able to maintain this. (I would've used pseudocode, but Python is practically as simple as pseudocode already.)


In case my original interpretation of your question was correct, and your input is a collection of key-value pairs that you want to aggregate, here's my original answer:


import collections

clusterer = collections.defaultdict(list)

for l in ListA:
    for k, v in l:

output = clusterer.values()

defaultdict(list) 是一个 dict,它会自动创建一个 list 作为任何不存在的键的值.循环遍历所有元组,收集与同一键匹配的所有值,然后从 defaultdict 创建一个 (key, value_list) 对的列表.

defaultdict(list) is a dict that automatically creates a list as the value for any key that wasn't already present. The loop goes over all the tuples, collecting all values that match up to the same key, then creates a list of (key, value_list) pairs from the defaultdict.


(The output of this code is not quite in the form you specified, but I believe this form is more useful. If you want to change the form, that should be a simple matter.)
