如何在“真实"中获得导出输出SQL Server Management Studio 中的 CSV 格式?

2021-12-09 00:00:00 csv sql sql-server ssms

我有一个在 SQL Server Management Studio 中运行的查询(连接到 SQL Server 2005 数据库).我想以 CSV 格式导出数据.不是 CSV 格式,您只需在每列之间添加一个逗号,而是真正的"CSV 格式,您在字符串周围加上引号.这样您就可以导出包含逗号或引号的数据.

I have a query that I am running in SQL Server Management Studio (connecting to a SQL Server 2005 database). I want to export the data in CSV format. Not wannabe CSV format, where you just stick a comma between each column, but "real" CSV format, where you put quotes around your strings. This way you can export data that has commas or quotes in it.


All the examples I see limit themselves to the wannabe format. I can't figure out where the option to quote strings is.

如果 SSMS 真的无法做到这一点,那么还有其他工具可以轻松做到吗?我不想每次需要数据转储时都必须编写 C# 程序.

If SSMS is truly incapable of this basic feat, are there other tools that will do it easily? I don't want to have to write a C# program every time I need a data dump.


在 SSMS 2012 中有一个选项,在工具 -> 选项 -> 查询结果 -> SQL Server -> 结果到网格,它被称为引用字符串保存 .csv 结果时包含列表分隔符".我不知道这样的选项已经存在多久了,但我对两件事感到困惑:

In SSMS 2012 there's an option for this, in Tools -> Options -> Query Results -> SQL Server -> Results to Grid, it's called "Quote strings containing list separators when saving .csv results". I don't know how long such an option has existed for, but I'm baffled by two things:

  1. 为什么默认情况下它没有打开
  2. 为什么它是一个选项而不是 CSV 导出代码的固有部分

它违背了默认行为是导出无法正确导入的 CSV 的信念.我注意到 Excel 也有同样的功能,我得去看看是否也有这个选项.

It just defies belief that the default behaviour is to have CSV export that's impossible to import properly. I've noticed Excel does the same, I'll have to go see if that's got an option too.

与此同时,感谢我的同事在我抱怨 CSV 导出器完全无用时向我指出了这个奇怪的功能,这是我找到的最好的链接,所以我想我将知识放在此处以供未来搜索者使用.

In the mean time, thanks to my colleague who pointed me to this bizarre bit of functionality when I was ranting about how the CSV exporter was completely useless, and this was the best link I'd found about it so I thought I'd put the knowledge here for the benefit of future searchers.


