SQLite 中是否有布尔文字?

2021-12-08 00:00:00 boolean literals sqlite

我知道 boolean 列类型,但是在 SQLite 中有 boolean literal 吗?在其他语言中,这可能是 truefalse.显然,我可以使用 01,但我倾向于尽可能避免使用所谓的幻数".

I know about the boolean column type, but is there a boolean literal in SQLite? In other languages, this might be true or false. Obviously, I can use 0 and 1, but I tend to avoid so-called "magic numbers" where possible.

从这个列表来看,它似乎可能存在于其他SQL中实现,但不是 SQLite.(我正在使用 SQLite 3.6.10,这是值得的.)

From this list, it seems like it might exist in other SQL implementations, but not SQLite. (I'm using SQLite 3.6.10, for what it's worth.)


来自1.1 Boolean Datatype 文档:

SQLite 没有单独的布尔存储类.相反,布尔值存储为整数 0(假)和 1(真).

SQLite does not have a separate Boolean storage class. Instead, Boolean values are stored as integers 0 (false) and 1 (true).

所以看起来你被 01 卡住了.

So it looks like you are stuck with 0 and 1.
