是否可以在 LINQ 中使用全文搜索 (FTS)?

2021-12-09 00:00:00 full-text-search sql-server linq

我想知道是否可以使用 .NET Framework 3.5 将 FTS 与 LINQ 一起使用.我正在搜索文档,但我还没有找到任何有用的东西.

I wonder if is possible to use FTS with LINQ using .NET Framework 3.5. I'm searching around the documentation that I didn't find anything useful yet.


Does anyone have any experience on this?


是的.但是,您必须先创建 SQL 服务器函数并调用它,因为默认情况下 LINQ 将使用 like.

Yes. However you have to create SQL server function first and call that as by default LINQ will use a like.

这个blog post 将解释细节,但这是摘录:

This blog post which will explain the detail but this is the extract:

为了让它工作,你需要创建一个表值函数无非是基于您传递的关键字的 CONTAINSTABLE 查询在,

To get it working you need to create a table valued function that does nothing more than a CONTAINSTABLE query based on the keywords you pass in,

create function udf_sessionSearch
      (@keywords nvarchar(4000))
returns table
  return (select [SessionId],[rank]
            from containstable(Session,(description,title),@keywords))

然后你把这个函数添加到你的 LINQ 2 SQL 模型中现在可以写查询了.

You then add this function to your LINQ 2 SQL model and he presto you can now write queries like.

    var sessList = from s   in DB.Sessions
                   join fts in DB.udf_sessionSearch(SearchText) 
                   on s.sessionId equals fts.SessionId
                 select s;
