如何从 SQLAlchemy 映射对象中发现表属性

2021-12-08 00:00:00 python sqlalchemy sqlite instrumentation


I have a class mapped with a table, in my case in a declarative way, and I want to "discover" table properties, columns, names, relations, from this class:

engine = create_engine('sqlite:///' + databasePath, echo=True)

# setting up root class for declarative declaration
Base = declarative_base(bind=engine)

class Ship(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'ships'

    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    name = Column(String(255))

    def __init__(self, name):
            self.name = name

    def __repr__(self):
            return "<Ship('%s')>" % (self.name)

所以现在我的目标是从Ship"类从另一段代码中获取表列及其属性.我想我可以使用检测来处理它,但是 SQLAlchemy API 是否提供了任何方法?

So now my goal is from the "Ship" class to get the table columns and their properties from another piece of code. I guess I can deal with it using instrumentation but is there any way provided by the SQLAlchemy API?


您需要的信息可以从 表 对象:

Information you need you can get from Table object:

  • Ship.__table__.columns 将为您提供栏目信息
  • Ship.__table__.foreign_keys 将列出外键
  • Ship.__table__.constraintsShip.__table__.indexes 是您可能会觉得有用的其他属性
  • Ship.__table__.columns will provide you with columns information
  • Ship.__table__.foreign_keys will list foreign keys
  • Ship.__table__.constraints, Ship.__table__.indexes are other properties you might find useful
