如何在 Oracle 中一起替换多个字符串

2021-12-06 00:00:00 string replace oracle

我有一个来自表的字符串,例如can no pay{1},as your payment{2}due on {3}".我想用某个值替换 {1},用某个值替换 {2},用某个值替换 {3}.

I have a string coming from a table like "can no pay{1},as your payment{2}due on {3}". I want to replace {1} with some value , {2} with some value and {3} with some value .

是否可以在一个替换功能中替换所有 3 个?或者有什么方法可以直接编写查询并获得替换值?我想在 Oracle 存储过程中替换这些字符串原始字符串来自我的一个表我只是在该表上进行选择

Is it Possible to replace all 3 in one replace function ? or is there any way I can directly write query and get replaced value ? I want to replace these strings in Oracle stored procedure the original string is coming from one of my table I am just doing select on that table

然后我想将该字符串中的 {1},{2},{3} 值替换为另一个表中的另一个值

and then I want to replace {1},{2},{3} values from that string to the other value that I have from another table



Although it is not one call, you can nest the replace() calls:

SET mycol = replace( replace(mycol, '{1}', 'myoneval'), '{2}', mytwoval)
