在 oracle 11g 或 12c 中更改表/列/索引名称大小

2021-12-06 00:00:00 oracle11g oracle12c oracle

我使用oracle 11g 并且需要大于30 个字符的名称,我知道11g 中的最大大小为30 个字符.

I use oracle 11g and need name that size is greater than 30 characters, I know the maximum size in 11g is 30 characters.


Can I change the this maximum size?

Oracle 12c 中表/列/索引名称的最大大小是多少?

What is the maximum size of table/column/index names in Oracle 12c?


11g 以及 12cR1 限制为 30 个字节(在单字节字符集中,它相当于 30 个字符).

Database object names in 11g as well as in 12cR1 are limited to 30 bytes (in a single-byte character set it will be equivalent to 30 characters).

可以改吗?不,您不能进行任何更改以允许 Oracle 使用大于 30 个字节的对象名称.

Can it be changed? No, you cannot make any changes to allow Oracle to use object names that are greater than 30 bytes.

在 Oracle Database 12c (12cR2) 并且如果 COMPATIBLE 初始化参数的值设置为 12.2 或高于对象名称的长度最多可达 128 个字节.

The 30 bytes object names restriction has been lifted in second release of Oracle Database 12c ( 12cR2) and if the value of the COMPATIBLE initialization parameter is set to 12.2 or higher then object names' length can be up to 128 bytes.
