如何调试 ORA-01775:同义词循环链?

2021-12-06 00:00:00 sql oracle synonym

我熟悉 ORA-01775 背后的问题:同义词循环链,但是否有任何调试技巧,或者我是否只需要创建或替换"我的方式来解决它?

I'm familiar with the issue behind ORA-01775: looping chain of synonyms, but is there any trick to debugging it, or do I just have to "create or replace" my way out of it?


Is there a way to query the schema or whatever to find out what the current definition of a public synonym is?


Even more awesome would be a graphical tool, but at this point, anything would be helpful.



As it turns out, the problem wasn't actually a looping chain of synonyms, but the fact that the synonym was pointing to a view that did not exist.

在这种情况下,Oracle 显然会出错为循环链.

Oracle apparently errors out as a looping chain in this condition.
