在 Oracle SQL 中显示表的所有约束的名称

2021-12-06 00:00:00 sql constraints oracle11g oracle

我为在 Oracle SQL 中创建的多个表的每个约束定义了一个名称.

I have defined a name for each of the constraint for the multiple tables that I have created in Oracle SQL.


The problem is that to drop a constraint for the column of a particular table I need to know the name that I have supplied for each constraints, which I have forgotten.


How do I list out all the names of constraints that I have specified for each column of a table?

是否有任何 SQL 语句可以执行此操作?

Is there any SQL statement for doing so?



You need to query the data dictionary, specifically the USER_CONS_COLUMNS view to see the table columns and corresponding constraints:

  FROM user_cons_columns
 WHERE table_name = '<your table name>';


FYI, unless you specifically created your table with a lower case name (using double quotes) then the table name will be defaulted to upper case so ensure it is so in your query.

如果您希望查看有关约束本身的更多信息,请查询 USER_CONSTRAINTS 视图:

If you then wish to see more information about the constraint itself query the USER_CONSTRAINTS view:

  FROM user_constraints
 WHERE table_name = '<your table name>'
   AND constraint_name = '<your constraint name>';


If the table is held in a schema that is not your default schema then you might need to replace the views with:



添加到 where 子句:

adding to the where clause:

   AND owner = '<schema owner of the table>'
