在 Oracle 中如何判断一个值是否不是数字?

2021-12-06 00:00:00 sql oracle plsql isnumeric


I have the following code that returns an error message if my value is invalid. I would like to give the same error message if the value given is not numeric.

IF(option_id = 0021) THEN 
      IF((value<10000) or (value>7200000) or /* Numeric Check */)THEN
          ip_msg(6214,option_name);  -- Error Message
      END IF;
END IF;      

在 SQL Server 中,我只是使用了 ISNUMERIC().我想在 Oracle 中做类似的事情.比如,

In SQL Server, I simply used ISNUMERIC(). I would like to do something similar in Oracle. Such as,

IF((!ISNUMERIC(value)) or (value<10000) or (value>7200000))
    THEN ...


REGEXP_LIKE(column, '^[[:digit:]]+$')

如果列只包含数字字符则返回 TRUE

returns TRUE if column holds only numeric characters
