如何卸载/完全删除 Oracle 11g(客户端)?

2021-12-05 00:00:00 oracle11g oracle

如何卸载/完全删除 Oracle 11g(客户端)?

How to uninstall / completely remove Oracle 11g (client)?

deinstall.bat 不起作用.

deinstall.bat doesn't work.


Further discussion related to why this question was closed and deleted: https://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/190441/why-was-this-question-related-to-uninstalling-the-oracle-database-client-deleted


假设是 Windows 安装,请参考:

Assuming a Windows installation, do please refer to this:


  • 使用 Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) 卸载所有 Oracle 组件.
  • 运行 regedit.exe 并删除 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREORACLE 项.这包含所有 Oracle 产品的注册表项.
  • 删除注册表以下部分中遗留的对 Oracle 服务的任何引用:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesOra* 应该很明显哪些与 Oracle 相关.
  • 重启你的机器.
  • 删除C:Oracle"目录,或任何属于您的 ORACLE_BASE 的目录.
  • 删除C:Program FilesOracle"目录.
  • 清空C: emp"目录中的内容.
  • 清空您的回收站.
  • Uninstall all Oracle components using the Oracle Universal Installer (OUI).
  • Run regedit.exe and delete the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREORACLE key. This contains registry entires for all Oracle products.
  • Delete any references to Oracle services left behind in the following part of the registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesOra* It should be pretty obvious which ones relate to Oracle.
  • Reboot your machine.
  • Delete the "C:Oracle" directory, or whatever directory is your ORACLE_BASE.
  • Delete the "C:Program FilesOracle" directory.
  • Empty the contents of your "C: emp" directory.
  • Empty your recycle bin.


Calling additional attention to some great comments that were left here:

  • 在遵循此处(上方或下方)列出的任何内容时要小心,因为这样做可能会删除或损坏任何其他 Oracle 安装的产品.
  • 对于 64 位 Windows (x64),您还需要从注册表中删除 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREWow6432NodeORACLE 项.
  • 通过删除安装到开始"菜单的所有相关快捷方式进行清理.
  • 清理环境变量:
    • 考虑删除 %ORACLE_HOME%.
    • %PATH% 中删除不再需要的任何路径.
    • Be careful when following anything listed here (above or below), as doing so may remove or damage any other Oracle-installed products.
    • For 64-bit Windows (x64), you need also to delete the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREWow6432NodeORACLE key from the registry.
    • Clean-up by removing any related shortcuts that were installed to the Start Menu.
    • Clean-up environment variables:
      • Consider removing %ORACLE_HOME%.
      • Remove any paths no longer needed from %PATH%.

      这组指令恰好与我多年来在几次搞砸的 Oracle 安装后对自己进行逆向工程几乎完全相同的过程相匹配,并且几乎总能满足需求.

      This set of instructions happens to match an almost identical process that I had reverse-engineered myself over the years after a few messed-up Oracle installs, and has almost always met the need.

      请注意,即使 OUI 不再可用或不起作用,只需执行其余步骤就足够了.

      Note that even if the OUI is no longer available or doesn't work, simply following the remaining steps should still be sufficient.

      (Revision #7 已回复,不会错误引用原始来源,也不会删除对其他有助于回答的评论.如果可以找到维护这些注意事项的方法,请进一步编辑(然后请删除此评论).

      (Revision #7 reverted as to not misquote the original source, and to not remove credit to the other comments that contributed to the answer. Further edits are appreciated (and then please remove this comment), if a way can be found to maintain these considerations.)
