无法截断表,因为它正被 FOREIGN KEY 约束引用?


Using MSSQL2005, can I truncate a table with a foreign key constraint if I first truncate the child table (the table with the primary key of the FK relationship)?


  • 使用不带where子句的DELETE,然后RESEED标识(或)
  • 删除 FK,截断表,然后重新创建 FK.


I thought that as long as I truncated the child table before the parent, I'd be okay without doing either of the options above, but I'm getting this error:


Cannot truncate table 'TableName' because it is being referenced by a FOREIGN KEY constraint.


正确;您不能截断具有 FK 约束的表.

Correct; you cannot truncate a table which has an FK constraint on it.


  1. 放弃约束
  2. 截断桌子
  3. 重新创建约束.


(All in a transaction, of course.)


Of course, this only applies if the child has already been truncated. Otherwise I go a different route, dependent entirely on what my data looks like. (Too many variables to get into here.)

原始海报确定了为什么会这样;请参阅此答案 了解更多详情.

The original poster determined WHY this is the case; see this answer for more details.
