SQL Server 中是否有一个 Max 函数,它采用两个值,如 .NET 中的 Math.Max?

2021-12-02 00:00:00 max sql sql-server


I want to write a query like this:

SELECT o.OrderId, MAX(o.NegotiatedPrice, o.SuggestedPrice)
FROM Order o

但这不是 MAX 函数的工作原理,对吧?它是一个聚合函数,因此它需要一个参数,然后返回所有行的 MAX.

But this isn't how the MAX function works, right? It is an aggregate function so it expects a single parameter and then returns the MAX of all rows.


Does anyone know how to do it my way?


如果你想有一个类似于你的例子的语法,你需要制作一个 User-Defined Function,但你能做到吗?就像其他人所说的那样,你想用 CASE 语句相当容易地内联.

You'd need to make a User-Defined Function if you wanted to have syntax similar to your example, but could you do what you want to do, inline, fairly easily with a CASE statement, as the others have said.

UDF 可能是这样的:

create function dbo.InlineMax(@val1 int, @val2 int)
returns int
  if @val1 > @val2
    return @val1
  return isnull(@val2,@val1)


... and you would call it like so ...

SELECT o.OrderId, dbo.InlineMax(o.NegotiatedPrice, o.SuggestedPrice) 
FROM Order o
