Python:(1,2,3) 和 [1,2,3] 有什么区别,我应该什么时候使用它们?

2022-01-20 00:00:00 python list tuples



In many places, (1,2,3) (a tuple) and [1,2,3] (a list) can be used interchangeably.


When should I use one or the other, and why?


来自 Python 常见问题解答:

列表和元组虽然在许多方面相似,但通常以根本不同的方式使用.元组可以被认为类似于 Pascal 记录或 C 结构;它们是相关数据的小集合,可能是不同类型的,作为一个组进行操作.例如,笛卡尔坐标适当地表示为两个或三个数字的元组.

Lists and tuples, while similar in many respects, are generally used in fundamentally different ways. Tuples can be thought of as being similar to Pascal records or C structs; they're small collections of related data which may be of different types which are operated on as a group. For example, a Cartesian coordinate is appropriately represented as a tuple of two or three numbers.


Lists, on the other hand, are more like arrays in other languages. They tend to hold a varying number of objects all of which have the same type and which are operated on one-by-one.


Generally by convention you wouldn't choose a list or a tuple just based on its (im)mutability. You would choose a tuple for small collections of completely different pieces of data in which a full-blown class would be too heavyweight, and a list for collections of any reasonable size where you have a homogeneous set of data.
