排序元组 Python

2022-01-20 00:00:00 python tuples sorting


我的 Blender python 代码中有一个元组列表

I have a list of tuples in my Blender python code

scores=[(1489,"Sean"), (2850,"Bob"), (276,"Crap Player"), (78495, "Great Player"), (8473, "Damian"), (4860, "Andy"), (0, "Stephen")]


I'm trying to sort them by their score by using this

sorted(scores, key=lambda score: score[0], reverse=True)


but this is not working. I have no idea why. Any tips?

我考虑过也许更好的实现是创建一个新的 Score 类,其中包含字段 namescore

I've considered maybe a better implementation is to create a new Score class with fields name and score


sorted 方法没有给我任何错误,但没有排序.我使用了 sort() 并且它有效.

it was giving me no errors with the sorted method but was not sorting. I used the sort() and it works.

我认为 python 在 Blender 中可能有点奇怪?

I think python is just a little weird in Blender maybe?




print sorted(scores, reverse=True)
[(78495, 'Great Player'), (8473, 'Damian'), (4860, 'Andy'), (2850, 'Bob'), (1489, 'Sean'), (276, 'Crap Player'), (0, 'Stephen')]

如果你想就地排序,你可以使用 scores.sort(reverse=True),顺便说一下,在元组列表的情况下,排序函数默认按第一项排序,第二个项目..

you can use scores.sort(reverse=True) if you want to sort in place, and by the way the sort function in case of list of tuple by default sort by first item , second item ..
