SQLite3“LIKE"的通用Ruby解决方案或 PostgreSQL “ILIKE"?

我使用 SQLite3 进行开发,使用 PostgreSQL 进行部署.但是,我面临以下问题:

I am using SQLite3 for development and PostgreSQL for deployment. However, I am facing the following problem:


def self.search(search)
    if search
      find(:all, :conditions => ["style LIKE ? OR construction LIKE ?", "%#{search}%", "%#{search}%"])


However, it doesn't work for PostgreSQL, and I need to replace the LIKE for ILIKE to solve the problem:

def self.search(search)
    if search
      find(:all, :conditions => ["style ILIKE ? OR construction ILIKE ?", "%#{search}%", "%#{search}%"])

是否有一种Ruby 方式"可以在任何数据库中进行这些搜索?

Is there a "Ruby way" to do these searches across any database?

编辑 - 根据您的回答,我不相信我会为此找到通用的 Ruby 解决方案.

EDIT - based on your answers I don't believe I will find a generic Ruby solution for that.

我遵循了 Ruby on Rails 教程:通过示例学习 Rails - Michael Hartl,其中最后的 Gemfile 显示了两个数据库......好吧,令人失望......

I have followed the Ruby on Rails Tutorial: Learn Rails by Example - by Michael Hartl, where the final Gemfile shows both databases... well, disappointing...



我使用 SQLite3 进行开发,使用 PostgreSQL 进行部署.

I am using SQLite3 for development and PostgreSQL for deployment.

这是个坏主意™.您将不断遇到不兼容问题 - 或者更糟:在损坏完成之前不会意识到一些不兼容问题.
使用相同的 RDBMS (PostgreSQL) 进行开发和生产,省去毫无意义的麻烦.

That's a bad idea™. You will keep running into incompatibilities - or worse: not realize some until damage is done.
Use the same RDBMS (PostgreSQL) for development and production and save yourself the pointless trouble.


While you are stuck with your unfortunate setup, there is a simple fix:

lower(style) LIKE lower(?)


  • 如果您提供小写搜索模式,您可以删除右侧的 lower().

在标准 SQLite lower(X) 中只折叠 ASCII 字母.有关更多信息,我引用了SQLite 手册中的核心函数一章:

In standard SQLite lower(X) only folds ASCII letters. For more, I quote the chapter Core Functions in the SQLite manual:

lower(X) 函数返回字符串 X 的副本,其中包含所有ASCII 字符转换为小写.默认内置的lower()函数仅适用于 ASCII 字符.进行大小写转换非 ASCII 字符,加载 ICU 扩展.

The lower(X) function returns a copy of string X with all ASCII characters converted to lower case. The default built-in lower() function works for ASCII characters only. To do case conversions on non-ASCII characters, load the ICU extension.


PostgreSQL lower(X) 开箱即用,支持 UTF-8.

PostgreSQL lower(X) works with UTF-8 out of the box.

作为一个受欢迎的副作用,您可以使用 加速该查询.html" rel="noreferrer">表达式上的索引 lower(style),这将比使用 ILIKE样式.

As a welcome side effect, you can speed up that query in PostgreSQL with an index on the expression lower(style), which will be faster than using ILIKE and a basic index on style.

此外,从 PostgreSQL 9.1 开始,您可以将 GIN 或 GIST 索引与 pg_trgm 扩展 以加快any LIKEILIKE 查询 - 三元组不区分大小写.此相关答案中的详细说明和链接:

Also, since PostgreSQL 9.1 you can use a GIN or GIST index with the pg_trgm extension to speed up any LIKE and ILIKE query - trigrams are case-insensitive. Detailed instructions and links in this related answer:

  • 用于自动完成字段的类似 UTF-8 字符串
