mysqldump - 仅导出结构而没有自动增量

我有一个 MySQL 数据库,我正在尝试找到一种仅导出其结构的方法,而没有自动增量值.mysqldump --no-data 几乎可以完成这项工作,但它保留了 auto_increment 值.有没有什么方法可以不使用 PHPMyAdmin(我知道它可以做到)?

I have a MySQL database and I am trying to find a way to export its structure only, without the auto increment values. mysqldump --no-data would almost do the job, but it keeps the auto_increment values. Is there any way to do it without using PHPMyAdmin (that I know it can do it)?



mysqldump -u root -p -h <db-host> --opt <db-name> -d --single-transaction | sed 's/ AUTO_INCREMENT=[0-9]*//' > <filename>.sql

正如其他人提到的,如果您希望 sed 正常工作,请添加 g(用于 g 局部替换)参数,如下所示:

As mentioned by others, If you want sed to works properly, add the g (for global replacement) parameter like this :

mysqldump -u root -p -h <db-host> --opt <db-name> -d --single-transaction | sed 's/ AUTO_INCREMENT=[0-9]*//g' > <filename>.sql

(这仅在您安装了 GUI 工具时才有效:mysqldump --skip-auto-increment)

(this only works if you have GUI Tools installed: mysqldump --skip-auto-increment)

 没有用,有时会破坏命令.请参阅此SO 主题以获取解释.所以优化的答案是:

The  is useless and sometimes will break the command. See this SO topic for explanations. So the optimized answer would be :

mysqldump -u root -p -h <db-host> --opt <db-name> -d --single-transaction | sed 's/ AUTO_INCREMENT=[0-9]*//g' > <filename>.sql
