元组对,使用 python 找到最小值

2022-01-20 00:00:00 python min tuples


我想找到按给定列排序的元组列表的最小值.例如,我将一些数据排列为 2 元组列表.

I want to find the minimum of a list of tuples sorting by a given column. I have some data arranged as a list of 2-tuples for example.

data = [ (1, 7.57), (2, 2.1), (3, 1.2), (4, 2.1), (5, 0.01), 
         (6, 0.5), (7, 0.2), (8, 0.6)]


How may I find the min of the dataset by the comparison of the second number in the tuples only?

data[0][1] = 7.57
data[1][1] = 2.1

min( 数据 ) = (5, 0.01)

min( data ) = (5, 0.01)

min(data) 返回 (1, 7.57),我接受它对于索引 0 的最小值是正确的,但我想要索引 1 的最小值.

min( data ) returns (1, 7.57), which I accept is correct for the minimum of index 0, but I want minimum of index 1.


In [2]: min(data, key = lambda t: t[1])
Out[2]: (5, 0.01)


In [3]: import operator

In [4]: min(data, key=operator.itemgetter(1))
Out[4]: (5, 0.01)
