
我有以下选择语句来获取流的下一个计划项目.如果没有匹配的行,我希望它返回一个默认值.这是我正在使用的 SQL:

I have the following select statement to grab the next scheduled item for a stream. If there is no matching row, I want it to return a default value. Here's the SQL that I'm using:

SELECT `file`
FROM `show`, `schedule` 
WHERE `channel` = 1
  AND `start_time` <= UNIX_TIMESTAMP() 
  AND `start_time` > UNIX_TIMESTAMP()-1800
  AND `show`.`id` = `schedule`.`file` 
ORDER BY `start_time`

这应该抓取最近安排的项目,但如果它早于查询前 30 分钟,则不会.

That should grab the most recently scheduled item, but not if it's older than 30 minutes before the query.


However, if the user doesn't schedule anything, I want a default value, so that something actually plays on the stream. I've tried the following:

SELECT COALESCE(`file`, 'default.webm')
FROM `show`, `schedule`...

SELECT IFNULL(`file`, 'default.webm')
FROM `show`, `schedule`


However, it always returns an empty result if no rows are found. How can I return a default value instead?



SELECT IFNULL(MIN(`file`), 'default.webm') `file` 
  FROM `show`, `schedule` 
 WHERE `channel` = 1 AND `start_time` <= UNIX_TIMESTAMP() 
   AND `start_time` > UNIX_TIMESTAMP()-1800 AND `show`.`id` = `schedule`.`file` 
 ORDER BY `start_time` DESC LIMIT 1

因为你只返回一行,你可以使用聚合函数,在这种情况下MIN(),确保你在没有选择任何记录时得到NULL.然后 IFNULL()COALESCE() 将完成它的工作.

Since you return only one row, you can use an aggregate function, in that case MIN(), that ensures that you'll get NULL if no records selected. Then IFNULL() or COALESCE() will do its job.
