
2021-11-20 00:00:00 sql mysql

我正在尝试从名为 user_enrole 的表中删除所有记录.我正在使用此查询

I am trying to delete all records from a table called user_enrole.I am using this query

DELETE * FROM user_enrole


I think syntax of my query is not wrong but it is giving me error saying

#1064 - 您的 SQL 语法有错误;检查与您的 MySQL 服务器版本相对应的手册以了解要使用的正确语法在第 1 行的* FROM user_enrole"附近

#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '* FROM user_enrole' at line 1


I have doubled check my syntax i am not able to figure out what is going wrong can someone point out please.


Is it occuring because of the relationship this table has with use table or what?


您不需要在删除中使用星号.只需执行 DELETE FROM user_enrole 即可删除所有记录.

You don't need to use the asterisk in a delete. Just do DELETE FROM user_enrole to delete all records.


If you want to delete specific records filtered by one or more conditions, you will specify those conditions in the WHERE clause, like so:

DELETE FROM user_enrole
WHERE somecolumn > 1
AND anothercolumn = 'Username'
