
2021-11-20 00:00:00 mysql


SELECT COUNT( `userID` ) AS total, DATE_FORMAT( `userRegistredDate` , '%b' ) ASMONTH , YEAR( `userRegistredDate` ) 作为年份来自`用户`GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT( FROM_UNIXTIME( `userRegistredDate` , '%b' ) )


总计 MONTH 年---------------------------2013 年 5 月 3 日2013 年 7 月 2 日--------------------------


总计 MONTH 年---------------------------2013 年 1 月 0 日2013 年 2 月 0 日2013 年 3 月 0 日2013 年 4 月 0 日2013 年 5 月 3 日2013 年 6 月 0 日2013 年 7 月 2 日--------------------------





 SELECT COUNT(u.userID) AS total, m.month从 (选择Jan"作为月份UNION SELECT 'Feb' 作为 MONTHUNION SELECT 'Mar' 作为月份UNION SELECT 'Apr' 作为月份UNION SELECT 'May' 作为 MONTHUNION SELECT 'Jun' 作为 MONTHUNION SELECT 'Jul' 作为 MONTHUNION SELECT 'Aug' 作为月份UNION SELECT 'Sep' 作为 MONTHUNION SELECT 'Oct' 作为 MONTHUNION SELECT 'Nov' 作为 MONTHUNION SELECT 'Dec' 作为 MONTH) 作为米左加入用户 uON MONTH(STR_TO_DATE(CONCAT(m.month, '2013'),'%M %Y')) = MONTH(u.userRegistredDate)AND YEAR(u.userRegistredDate) = '2013'按月分组按 1+1 排序;


 SELECT COUNT(u.userID) AS total, DATE_FORMAT(merge_date,'%b') AS 月, YEAR(m.merge_date) AS 年从 (SELECT '2013-01-01' AS 合并日期UNION SELECT '2013-02-01' AS 合并日期UNION SELECT '2013-03-01' AS 合并日期UNION SELECT '2013-04-01' AS 合并日期UNION SELECT '2013-05-01' AS merge_dateUNION SELECT '2013-06-01' AS 合并日期UNION SELECT '2013-07-01' AS 合并日期UNION SELECT '2013-08-01' AS 合并日期UNION SELECT '2013-09-01' AS 合并日期UNION SELECT '2013-10-01' AS 合并日期UNION SELECT '2013-11-01' AS 合并日期UNION SELECT '2013-12-01' AS 合并日期) 作为米左加入用户 u月 (m.merge_date) = 月 (u.userRegistredDate)AND YEAR(m.merge_date) = YEAR(u.userRegistredDate)GROUP BY m.merge_date按 1+1 排序;


I wrote a query to get month-wise record in user table as follows

SELECT COUNT( `userID` ) AS total, DATE_FORMAT( `userRegistredDate` , '%b' ) AS
MONTH , YEAR( `userRegistredDate` ) AS year
FROM `users`
GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT( FROM_UNIXTIME( `userRegistredDate` , '%b' ) )


total      MONTH    year
3           May     2013
2           Jul     2013

Expected Output:

total      MONTH    year
 0          Jan     2013
 0          Feb     2013
 0          Mar     2013
 0          Apr     2013
 3          May     2013
 0          Jun     2013 
 2          Jul     2013

I need to show the record even if data not exist. How to do this?


I won't say much about efficiency as I have not tested it against other methods but without having a temp table this seem a fair way to go.

   SELECT COUNT(u.userID) AS total, m.month
     FROM (
           SELECT 'Jan' AS MONTH
           UNION SELECT 'Feb' AS MONTH
           UNION SELECT 'Mar' AS MONTH
           UNION SELECT 'Apr' AS MONTH
           UNION SELECT 'May' AS MONTH
           UNION SELECT 'Jun' AS MONTH
           UNION SELECT 'Jul' AS MONTH
           UNION SELECT 'Aug' AS MONTH
           UNION SELECT 'Sep' AS MONTH
           UNION SELECT 'Oct' AS MONTH
           UNION SELECT 'Nov' AS MONTH
           UNION SELECT 'Dec' AS MONTH
          ) AS m
LEFT JOIN users u 
ON MONTH(STR_TO_DATE(CONCAT(m.month, ' 2013'),'%M %Y')) = MONTH(u.userRegistredDate)
   AND YEAR(u.userRegistredDate) = '2013'
GROUP BY m.month

If you make the union based on a date format you can even reduce the work and load on the query.

   SELECT COUNT(u.userID) AS total, DATE_FORMAT(merge_date,'%b') AS month, YEAR(m.merge_date) AS year
     FROM (
           SELECT '2013-01-01' AS merge_date
           UNION SELECT '2013-02-01' AS merge_date
           UNION SELECT '2013-03-01' AS merge_date
           UNION SELECT '2013-04-01' AS merge_date
           UNION SELECT '2013-05-01' AS merge_date
           UNION SELECT '2013-06-01' AS merge_date
           UNION SELECT '2013-07-01' AS merge_date
           UNION SELECT '2013-08-01' AS merge_date
           UNION SELECT '2013-09-01' AS merge_date
           UNION SELECT '2013-10-01' AS merge_date
           UNION SELECT '2013-11-01' AS merge_date
           UNION SELECT '2013-12-01' AS merge_date
          ) AS m
LEFT JOIN users u 
       ON MONTH(m.merge_date) = MONTH(u.userRegistredDate)
          AND YEAR(m.merge_date) = YEAR(u.userRegistredDate)
GROUP BY m.merge_date

Live DEMO of both queries.
