True 和 1 和 1.0 在 python 字典中被评估为相同

2022-01-19 00:00:00 python dictionary boolean



Can anyone explain this behaviour of python dictionaries?

d = {}
d[True] = 'Magic'
d[1] = 'Cool'
d[1.0] = 'Hello'

# {True: 'Hello'}


Why does it not print all the other (key, value) pairs?

为什么 True、1 和 1.0 被评估为相同?

Why does True, 1 and 1.0 is evaluated to be the same?


hash 3 项 1, 1.0, True 相同(等于 1).如果没有冲突,这就是 python 用作字典键的内容.并且由于 1 == 1.0 == True 也是 True 没有冲突.

the hash of the 3 items 1, 1.0, True is the same (it equals 1). that's what python uses as the key for dictionaries if there are no collisions. and as 1 == 1.0 == True is also True there are no collisions.

这里有更多关于python 旧实现的详细信息字典.新的实现按照这些思路做事(但保留了顺序).

here are more details about the old implementation of python dictionaries. the new implementation does things along those lines (but preserves the order).
