GROUP_CONCAT 在 Django 中的等价物

2021-11-20 00:00:00 django mysql group-concat

假设我有一张名为 fruits 的表格:

Say I have the following table called fruits:

id | type   | name
 0 | apple  | fuji
 1 | apple  | mac
 2 | orange | navel


My goal is to ultimately come up with a count of the different types and a comma-delimited list of the names:

apple, 2, "fuji,mac"
orange, 1, "navel"

这可以通过 MySQL 中的 GROUP_CONCAT 轻松完成,但我在使用 Django 等效项时遇到了麻烦.这是我到目前为止所拥有的,但我缺少 GROUP_CONCAT 的东西:

This can be easily done with GROUP_CONCAT in MySQL but I'm having trouble with the Django equivalent. This is what I have so far but I am missing the GROUP_CONCAT stuff:

query_set = Fruits.objects.values('type').annotate(count=Count('type')).order_by('-count')

如果可能,我想避免使用原始 SQL 查询.

I would like to avoid using raw SQL queries if possible.




Django ORM 不支持这个;如果您不想使用原始 SQL,那么您需要 分组并加入.

The Django ORM does not support this; if you don't want to use raw SQL then you'll need to group and join.
