与 PHP strip_tags 等效的 MySQL 查询是什么?

2021-11-20 00:00:00 mysql strip-tags

我有一个大型数据库,其中包含带有 标签的记录,我想删除它们.当然有一种方法,我创建一个全选的PHP脚本,使用strip_tags并更新数据库,但这需要很长时间.那么如何使用简单(或复杂)的 MySQL 查询来做到这一点?

I have a large database which contains records that have <a> tags in them and I would like to remove them. Of course there is the method where I create a PHP script that selects all, uses strip_tags and updates the database, but this takes a long time. So how can I do this with a simple (or complicated) MySQL query?


我认为仅在 MySQL 中没有任何有效的方法可以做到这一点.

I don't believe there's any efficient way to do this in MySQL alone.

MySQL 确实有一个 REPLACE() 函数,但它只能替换常量字符串,不能替换模式.您可能会编写一个 MySQL 存储函数来搜索和替换标签,但此时您最好编写一个 PHP 脚本来完成这项工作.它可能没有相当那么快,但编写起来可能会更快.

MySQL does have a REPLACE() function, but it can only replace constant strings, not patterns. You could possibly write a MySQL stored function to search for and replace tags, but at that point you're probably better off writing a PHP script to do the job. It might not be quite as fast, but it will probably be faster to write.
