启用 NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAES 选项时如何转义文字百分号?

2021-11-20 00:00:00 special-characters escaping mysql

我的公司在 NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPE 模式下运行 MySQL.在这种模式下,如何在 LIKE 查询中转义文字 %_ ?标准方式是\%,但在这种模式下不起作用.

My company runs MySQL in NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES mode. How can I escape a literal % or _ in a LIKE query in this mode? The standard way is \%, but that doesn't work in this mode.

示例:一列具有以下值:5% off50% off.以下查询适用于标准模式,但不适用于 NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES 模式:

Example: a column has the following values: 5% off, 50% off. The following query works in standard mode but not in NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES mode:

SELECT * FROM mytable
WHERE mycol LIKE '5\% off'



select * from mytable
where mycol like '5\% off' escape '\';

对于一个不管 NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAES 模式都能工作的版本,你可以使用不同的字符,比如管道:

For a version that works regardless of NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES mode, you can use a different character, like pipe:

select * from mytable
where mycol like '5|% off' escape '|';
