请使用 JavaFX MySQL 连接示例

2021-11-20 00:00:00 mysql javafx-2

谁能给我一个连接 JavaFX 和 MySQL 的类的例子,不需要 Main 类,有一个,只想要一个将任何应用程序连接到 MySQL 数据库并从该数据库中获取一行的类的例子表,搜索了整个互联网,我没有找到任何直截了当的内容,我不想要任何花哨的东西,只是为了完成工作.一些干净和简单的东西.


您至少需要三个类:一个用于表示您的数据,一个用于您的 UI,一个用于管理数据库连接.当然,在真正的应用程序中,您需要的不止这些.此示例遵循与 TableView<相同的基本示例/code> 教程

假设您的数据库有一个 person 表,其中包含三列,first_namelast_nameemail_address.


import javafx.beans.property.StringProperty ;导入 javafx.beans.property.SimpleStringProperty ;公共类人{private final StringProperty firstName = new SimpleStringProperty(this, "firstName");公共 StringProperty firstNameProperty() {返回名字;}公共最终字符串 getFirstName() {返回 firstNameProperty().get();}public final void setFirstName(String firstName) {firstNameProperty().set(firstName);}private final StringProperty lastName = new SimpleStringProperty(this, "lastName");公共 StringProperty lastNameProperty() {返回姓氏;}公共最终字符串 getLastName() {返回 lastNameProperty().get();}public final void setLastName(String lastName) {lastNameProperty().set(lastName);}private final StringProperty email = new SimpleStringProperty(this, "email");公共 StringProperty emailProperty() {回邮件;}公共最终字符串 getEmail() {返回 emailProperty().get();}公共最终无效 setEmail(字符串电子邮件){emailProperty().set(email);}公共人(){}公共人(字符串名字,字符串姓氏,字符串电子邮件){设置名字(名字);设置姓氏(姓氏);设置电子邮件(电子邮件);}}


import java.sql.Connection;导入 java.sql.DriverManager ;导入 java.sql.SQLException ;导入 java.sql.Statement ;导入 java.sql.ResultSet ;导入 java.util.List ;导入 java.util.ArrayList ;公共类 PersonDataAccessor {//在现实生活中,使用连接池....私人连接连接;public PersonDataAccessor(String driverClassName, String dbURL, String user, String password) 抛出 SQLException, ClassNotFoundException {Class.forName(driverClassName);connection = DriverManager.getConnection(dbURL, 用户, 密码);}public void shutdown() 抛出 SQLException {如果(连接!= null){connection.close();}}公共列表<人>getPersonList() 抛出 SQLException {尝试 (语句 stmnt = connection.createStatement();ResultSet rs = stmnt.executeQuery("select * from person");){列表<人>personList = new ArrayList<>();而(rs.next()){String firstName = rs.getString("first_name");String lastName = rs.getString("last_name");String email = rs.getString("email_address");Person person = new Person(firstName, lastName, email);personList.add(person);}返回人员列表;}}//其他方法,例如.addPerson(...) 等}

然后是一个 UI 类:

import javafx.application.Application ;导入 javafx.scene.control.TableView ;导入 javafx.scene.control.TableColumn ;导入 javafx.scene.control.cell.PropertyValueFactory ;导入 javafx.scene.layout.BorderPane ;导入 javafx.scene.Scene ;导入 javafx.stage.Stage ;公共类 PersonTableApp 扩展应用程序 {私有 PersonDataAccessor 数据访问器;@覆盖public void start(Stage primaryStage) 抛出异常 {dataAccessor = new PersonDataAccessor(...);//提供驱动程序名称、dbURL、用户、密码...TableView<人>personTable = new TableView<>();TableColumnfirstNameCol = new TableColumn<>("名字");firstNameCol.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<>("firstName"));TableColumnlastNameCol = new TableColumn<>("Last Name");lastNameCol.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<>("lastName"));TableColumnemailCol = new TableColumn<>("Email");emailCol.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<>("email"));personTable.getColumns().addAll(firstNameCol, lastNameCol, emailCol);personTable.getItems().addAll(dataAccessor.getPersonList());BorderPane root = new BorderPane();root.setCenter(personTable);场景场景 = 新场景(root, 600, 400);primaryStage.setScene(场景);primaryStage.show();}@覆盖public void stop() 抛出异常 {如果(数据访问器!= null){dataAccessor.shutdown();}}公共静态无效主(字符串 [] args){发射(参数);}}


Can anyone give me one example of a class that connects JavaFX with MySQL, dont want Main class, have one, just want a example of a class that connects any application to a MySQL database and gets a row from that database into a table, searched the whole internet and i didn't find anything straight to the point i do not want anything fancy just something to get the job done please. Something clean and simple.


At a minimum, you need three classes: one to represent your data, one for your UI, and one to manage the database connection. In a real app you'd need more than this, of course. This example follows the same basic example as the TableView tutorial

Suppose your database has a person table with three columns, first_name, last_name, email_address.

Then you would write a Person class:

import javafx.beans.property.StringProperty ;
import javafx.beans.property.SimpleStringProperty ;

public class Person {
    private final StringProperty firstName = new SimpleStringProperty(this, "firstName");
    public StringProperty firstNameProperty() {
        return firstName ;
    public final String getFirstName() {
        return firstNameProperty().get();
    public final void setFirstName(String firstName) {

    private final StringProperty lastName = new SimpleStringProperty(this, "lastName");
    public StringProperty lastNameProperty() {
        return lastName ;
    public final String getLastName() {
        return lastNameProperty().get();
    public final void setLastName(String lastName) {

    private final StringProperty email = new SimpleStringProperty(this, "email");
    public StringProperty emailProperty() {
        return email ;
    public final String getEmail() {
        return emailProperty().get();
    public final void setEmail(String email) {

    public Person() {}

    public Person(String firstName, String lastName, String email) {


A class to access the data from the database:

import java.sql.Connection ;
import java.sql.DriverManager ;
import java.sql.SQLException ;
import java.sql.Statement ;
import java.sql.ResultSet ;

import java.util.List ;
import java.util.ArrayList ;

public class PersonDataAccessor {

    // in real life, use a connection pool....
    private Connection connection ;

    public PersonDataAccessor(String driverClassName, String dbURL, String user, String password) throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException {
        connection = DriverManager.getConnection(dbURL, user, password);

    public void shutdown() throws SQLException {
        if (connection != null) {

    public List<Person> getPersonList() throws SQLException {
        try (
            Statement stmnt = connection.createStatement();
            ResultSet rs = stmnt.executeQuery("select * from person");
            List<Person> personList = new ArrayList<>();
            while (rs.next()) {
                String firstName = rs.getString("first_name");
                String lastName = rs.getString("last_name");
                String email = rs.getString("email_address");
                Person person = new Person(firstName, lastName, email);
            return personList ;

    // other methods, eg. addPerson(...) etc

And then a UI class:

import javafx.application.Application ;
import javafx.scene.control.TableView ;
import javafx.scene.control.TableColumn ;
import javafx.scene.control.cell.PropertyValueFactory ;
import javafx.scene.layout.BorderPane ;
import javafx.scene.Scene ;
import javafx.stage.Stage ;

public class PersonTableApp extends Application {
    private PersonDataAccessor dataAccessor ;

    public void start(Stage primaryStage) throws Exception {
        dataAccessor = new PersonDataAccessor(...); // provide driverName, dbURL, user, password...

        TableView<Person> personTable = new TableView<>();
        TableColumn<Person, String> firstNameCol = new TableColumn<>("First Name");
        firstNameCol.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<>("firstName"));
        TableColumn<Person, String> lastNameCol = new TableColumn<>("Last Name");
        lastNameCol.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<>("lastName"));
        TableColumn<Person, String> emailCol = new TableColumn<>("Email");
        emailCol.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<>("email"));

        personTable.getColumns().addAll(firstNameCol, lastNameCol, emailCol);


        BorderPane root = new BorderPane();
        Scene scene = new Scene(root, 600, 400);

    public void stop() throws Exception {
        if (dataAccessor != null) {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

(I just typed that in without testing, so there may be typos, missing imports, etc, but it should be enough to give you the idea.)
