自动生成数据库图表 MySQL
我厌倦了在每个项目开始时打开 Dia 并创建数据库图表.有没有一种工具可以让我选择特定的表,然后基于 MySQL 数据库为我创建一个数据库图表?最好是允许我在之后编辑图表,因为没有设置任何外键...
I'm tired of opening Dia and creating a database diagram at the beginning of every project. Is there a tool out there that will let me select specific tables and then create a database diagram for me based on a MySQL database? Preferably it would allow me to edit the diagram afterward since none of the foreign keys are set...
Here is what I am picturing diagram-wise (please excuse the horrible data design, I didn't design it. Let's focus on the diagram concept and not on the actual data it represents for this example ;) ):
see full size diagram
解决方案Try MySQL Workbench, formerly DBDesigner 4:
This has a "Reverse Engineer Database" mode:
Database -> Reverse Engineer